Friday, February 10, 2012

#4 Mom and Dad part2

I missed 4 days already.. Feeling a little rusty. I spent another hour on this. Just mainly blocked in the dress and arms, and fixed the face a little bit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 0-0 i accidentally delete the comment do not know what i did. -_- nice drawing =)... um your going to draw a book of your mom and dad and give it to them like a photo album?

  3. looks nice, you need to give me a demo on photoshop....its frustrating. And i need to learn how to blend the colors :-)

  4. Your photoshop blending is getting better than your previous one. <3

  5. Thanks Mark :) I wasn't planning on making an album, but that's a good idea, haha. I was just planning to paint this one and give it to my mom on her birthday next month :)

    Thanks Marisol! What are you talking about?! Your painting looks good already.. Keep on practicing, and you'll improve in no time! :D

    Thanks Sy! <3
