Tuesday, February 7, 2012

day 4 =)

I ran out of time -_- I am in class haha.... and need to go to my other class lol.


  1. Mark your def improving a lot. My only suggestion is that next time when you post some thing up. Give your painting some life to it by having a title. It will give your viewer a sense of story to your artwork. BTw good job on your post.

  2. a good way to keep track of your painting is putting the # and the number next to it like for example. Your third painting = #3 and the title. #3 the shadow etc. Hope that helps

  3. I like this one :D Really cute design..

    You can still put number in the front just for a record of how much you've done, but I agree that title would give more of a story behind your illustration.
